08 February 2013


So I seem to have taken a hiatus again. It occurs to me that part of the reason it's so difficult to keep up the blogging habit is because I set myself up to unreal expectations. I can't be hilarious every day to every person (though I sure as hell make myself laugh on the regular). And I surely can't write an essay every day of the week (at least not until I put some real effort into finding freelance work lucrative enough to allow my full-time retail job to become part-time). I read somewhere once that it takes 21 days to start a habit, so I'm going to shoot for twenty-one consecutive days of posts so I can test that theory. These posts may be 2/3 crap, but this goal is FOR ME more than anyone else so I can tolerate inferior quality to start with. I know in my heart that I can write stuff worth reading, but I've never really committed to PRACTICING so it's time to get that ball rolling. (I used to practice during my adolescence, before I realized what I was doing. At some point -- school? -- I learned that my creative writing "play" was a form of work and everything became more difficult. Now I realize it's supposed to be difficult if you're doing it right, so I'm seeking a happy medium.)

Else I talk to myself for another 15 minutes, I will proceed to today's humble photo:

The GREEN movement (or whatever the hell it's called) has grown into all sectors of business. There's "organic" produce and all kinds of health food that's supposed to be better for you because it lacks hormones and pesticides and horse semen and whatever. There are even organic cotton t-shirts so the pesticides from your brand-new Hanes tee don't seep into your gaping chest wounds (here's looking at you, meth head). But I guess it was too much to ask for women to shell out $10 for the opportunity to bleed on organic cotton...because a Big Lots had a whole shelf full.

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