28 August 2014

Our Hero

Pat and Cooper are lifelong friends.

Listening to music and blogging when I'm supposed to be working, in one form or another.

I just can't concentrate on things unless I'm in the midst of them. So I'm going to post this picture.

"But I asked for 'no glasses' on my sandwich!"
 Is it bad that this hero is making me hungry?

(Hungry for the jams.)


I take issue with doing one thing at a time. (Ron Swanson disapproves.) I just don't feel productive enough unless I'm juggling seven things at once.

(To avoid an unnecessary tangent, I will simply recommend this barely-related video [here].)

So I'm trying to make some decent Spotify playlists. Today I'm working on the "Get-Moving" mix. In fact, the original title of this post was a line from Jamiroquai's song "Hot Tequila Brown" which is worth a few replays. ("How many words will fail me in my negligence?") I have yet to determine whether this playlist actually improves the moving-in-or-out-of-a-residence process or if it is just a goofy mixture of songs.

But I digress.


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