27 June 2014


Scurvy and Insanity Run Rampant!

In honor of Talk Like a Pirate Day, I offer you these guys.

Granted, Talk Like a Pirate Day isn't until September...but I can honor it any day of the year. Don't judge me!

That said, Yaarrr!

"We're huggers here on The Filthy Mermaid!"
To be clear, "The Filthy Mermaid" is the name of the captain's vessel. (Giggity.) I imagine a very cinematic aerial shot that swoops over the deck of the ship, then shifts to goofy muted clips of the key characters. All to really cheesy music. Think Full House on a boat.

Now I'm picturing the Full House characters dressed up as pirates. Let me savor this moment.


The image as captioned is probably the Captain's reaction to a new deckhand after a long voyage at sea. Gotta get some fresh tail.

A strange (or not?) idea to follow a Full House tangent. 

I now feel obligated to post this picture (which I have been unable to find another place for during its 8+ month lifetime).

Consider this: The extra letters spell NMNLTM.

But before you try to pass off this interlude as a engineered lol, consider how the rack was arranged when I came upon it. (Giggity.) Honestly, it wasn't much different from the above image.

Less Latin, just as much ass.

On that topic, here are two pirates coupled at the hip!

Not what you expected, eh?
I am both disturbed and captivated about this particular set of siamese twins. They have overcome all of their handicaps to become successful pirates. Still, I don't see enough legs to support this particular stance.

But this one...

Someone's tapped the barrel!
This one is fit to go in the china cabinet.

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