20 June 2014

Round, Vacuous Holes

Recognize this gal?

Birdo's biological sex is irrelevant.
(I mean, look at that snout!)

My caption ensures you now have a name for this creature. Click the link above for more info if you need it, as there's no time for a biographical tangent right now.

Birdo's my character-of-choice when it's time for Mario Party, though I really can't point to a reason why. I'm sure a psychoanalyst could come up with something Freudian, but that's yet another tangent that'll have to wait for another time. (Comment section, mayhaps?)

Over the last few weeks, I've discovered that Birdo's unique mouth-nose arrangement...doesn't seem to be quite so unique anymore. Exhibit A:

"Fill me with your bath toys, battery-powered or otherwise."
In case you can't tell from this photo, this is a ceramic dog in swim trunks. This beachgoer has his head flung back in joy -- apparently thrilled that his tracheotomy went as planned and that his doctor cleared him to hit the beach. Yes: you are staring into the deep, dark hole of a stoma.

You can throw up now.

Exhibit B:

"Yee-haw! It's not Halloween!"
"Put something inside me. Candy...other things, whatever."

Okay, maybe this one doesn't qualify. Its gaping hole is on the back side. (Teehee.) But where else am I going to put this Halloween atrocity? Lord knows I won't remember this photo when the holiday comes around.

Exhibit C:

I'm a cow.

I am the proud owner of a dairy cow creamer pitcher thingy. (That's the technical term, I promise.) But I found one at Tuesday Morning [on a Wednesday afternoon] that seems a little weird when you look at it straight-on:


 Gaze deep into its hole.


It's like looking into a black hole. *shudders*

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