20 August 2012

Nitpicking is fun (and FAA approved)!

To the untrained eye, this is just a P.O.S. travel kit that will probably stay on this peghook at Big Lots until the plastic decomposes (long after the zombie apocalypse has killed or assimilated you and I) or until management gets sick of looking at it and just donates it to some charity or just throws it away. (At which point we'll either pollute the earth by putting into a landfill or by expending energy at the recycling plant to break it down. Not sure why I'm getting all "crunchy" with you; I am not actively looking to preserve the environment as I'm still young and have trouble looking into a future that doesn't include me. #justsayin) 

In reality, this item is intended for those with friends / family / acquaintances / that weird guy a few cubicles down who nibbles on his baby carrots like a rabbit and challenged Seinfeld's Elaine's dance moves at your last work "party". It's not a getaway kit that will allow YOU to stow your hygiene products in the carry-on luggage you're taking to some tropical destination. 

I repeat, THIS IS NOT a getaway kit. NO, it's a get [SPACE] away kit. This is what you shove into your friend's / family member's / acquaintance's / weird guy's hands just before you kick him out of your house / family reunion / baby shower / cubicle. Furthermore, the label on this product suggests that kicking the recipient out of the area is not enough; the packaging demands that the kit's owner get far enough away from the gift giver to require an airplane. Ha! 

I struggle to come up with the cartoon equivalent, though I'm sure you in your brilliance can offer a fictional character from the funnies that gets kicked out on his tuckus. (Consider the inherent humor in kicking an annoying houseguest out of your realm, friend. Homelessness is not funny, nor are bad hosts, generally. But revoking a bad guest's welcome is hilarious. Why is that?)

Alternatively, I suppose you could offer this beautiful (but, regrettably, environmentally-comatose) product to your getaway driver before your next bank heist. (Mentally Photoshop one of these babies into your favorite heist movie for hours of ROFLs.)

I should also note that the manufacturer chose to withhold the company name from this product's packaging. Perhaps someone at the factory realized how low-quality this product is and the erroneous label is meant as a command to the product itself. Maybe these little "get away" kits bankrupted the company (which, I should add, chose not to claim ownership by including their logo).

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