20 August 2012

Ready, set...

If you're reading this, I'm either: 
  • related to you 
  • in your circle of friends
  • doing well enough with this blogging thing that you give a shit about who i am 
  • dead (has been known to do wonders for writers' careers)
 ...Though I suppose combinations of the above are possible.

You've now experienced the sardonic portion of my intro. Moving on...

I guess my love of window-shopping started in the library. I always left with towers of books and future acquisitions on the brain. As I grew older, I developed a love for thrift and antique shops and an eye for the unusual that I carry with me wherever I go (I could never bring myself to dig it out with a spoon, though it surely would have saved me loads of time and energy). There is some crazy shit out there to be discovered.
This writing thing is fun and maybe one day I'll make money with my words, allowing me to consummate the shopping process. Until then, I'll work to pay the bills and play by critiquing things I see on window-shopping excursions.

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