20 September 2012

Doing Tupac justice?

So I've been lazy and undedicated -- exactly what employers seek when recruiting. It occurred to me a few weeks ago that I'm in a rut and I should be less introverted and more altruistic. Rather than do anything to handle those concerns, I opted to phase out of society for a week and a half, during which I watched a shit-ton of How I Met Your Mother (which, regrettably, did not help as much as you'd think in trivia tonight) and watched Captain Jack Harkness make out with a whole lotta dudes.

I am officially a boring individual. Haven't even been thrifting for a week, as against-character as that is. So today -- after being pushed by a handful of friends -- I am attempting to return to the blogging circuit (is there a circuit to even discuss?) while inexplicably listening to Robin Thicke.

Part of me feels like I should tune Spotify in another direction...

What is that image gracing these fine sneakers on the Goodwill rack?

Yep, that's the late great Tupac. And of course, this picture has been emblazoned on lightly-worn canvas, a site truly designed to showcase his greatness.

Who am I kidding? This sneaker is spitting on Tupac's grave -- the designers apparently thought that Tupac was so lowly to have only earned a place at such a low altitude that no one would notice him. (Damn you, Critical Theory -- I'm thinking way too hard. But you have to agree that, were a single one of your accomplishments to be frozen in carbonite, you would not want it to be held in memorium on a piece of canvas -- or is it leather? -- gracing someone's stinky little foot??)

 Knowing no better transition to the next image, I will simply move -- sans segue -- to the blurb I entered into this text box as a mere placeholder.


Yup. "Ass" is the word I typed in between these pictures...which is obviously the best transition I could come up with to turn to a discussion of brand name. *shrugs* Sounds about right.

"Maraveli" (the best I can come up from my DumbPhone-camera pic) does not seem to exist.

So instead I checked out "tupac sneakers" ... and came up with:


and more

and hell, why not this

somehow this factors in

...But it actually turns out that the brand name is "Makaveli." So I found a few other cool photos (whose images I can't show here but will instead provide the textual reference hyperlink for because I cannot spare the bandwidth to host their img's):

Yes, I realize I should be using this portion to provide a list or a clause that depends on -- and, in many ways, defines -- the previous sentence:

First, I should mention that what I'm typing now bears absolutely no relevance to the previous or following data:

Enough of that shtick.

Read this.

There's something about a one-sentence paragraph that reminds me of 34 year-old bachelor living in his parents' basement, supporting his slacker lifestyle with the revenues from his windowless ice cream van.

And, were a sentence to be a command...that would be really wrong in a windowless van.

And I'm out.

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