20 September 2012

I believe you can take me through the night

I've been stockpiling photos hoping that I'd come up with more than simple one-liners after stepping out of the thrift store. By my count, it takes about two albums to substantiate a blog post. So you're getting a few words on two for the price of one. (You're welcome.)

I had hoped to feature side-by-side lyrics of "Tuneweaving" VS "Dreamweaver" but Tony Orlando & Dawn's hit 1973 album did not feature a song so titled. I should probably note that, in naming this a hit album, I am NOT being sarcastic -- it featured the year's biggest selling song of the year: "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree." But the success of the album isn't going to stop me from laughing at the jackass who decided a cross-stitch portrait was a good idea. (Just imagine how long that sitting session must have been.) I'll bet the artist required complete silence to concentrate on her art so that she could hear a pin--

--I'm gonna stop me right there, before the dad joke has made its way into the world. Moving on...

More fodder from the '70s. I wish I'd taken a second photo so the glare wasn't so distracting. But then I suppose you'd be distracted by these two males (?) oozing sex appeal. Oh, how I wish we could go back to the days when men dressed like women and...oh wait, I'm lying.

Anyway, it appears that the Addrisi brothers are unaware that while a curvaceous woman emerging from body of water is sexy,  male disco rats coming out of a pool they likely cannonballed into fully-clothed while under the influence of one hell of a drug is just pathetic.

The Beegees knew this; how did the Addrisi Brothers miss the memo? (Though my internet search did place the Beegees close to a body of water...)

You've made it to the end of this post so I'm going to reward you with one more album cover photo. I've got shit to do, so you'll have to do the over-analyzing on your own. Keep in mind that the album below was the debut of two siblings. 

Good night.

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