05 April 2013

I should be ashamed!


...I found this shirt at the same time as another tennis-themed tee, so my initial interest was along those lines. I thought it might amuse the tennis players in my family so I forced myself to enjoy its message as well. My best effort was saved in the file name: Ormaybeyourcompetitorcantkeepupwithyouoryoureplayingracquetball.jpg. Yeah, so the racquetball shit was mildly amusing, but definitely too socially acceptable for my taste.
Flash forward to an autumnal visit to my local thrift store, where I found an old issue of JET magazine.

I chuckled a bit as I considered the marked drug use and [alleged] pedophilia attributed to the featured singers (and somehow overlooked the secondary story, "How Blacks Differ from Whites" -- missing out on my chance to check out how Michael Jackson factored into the whole thing). I may have even shared the photo on Facebook. But I didn't really think about it after that. 

Until I started purging my Picasa photo albums and the two photos above converged to form a new picture:


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