02 April 2013

Yes + other maritime symbols

This is the nautical flag indicating the affirmative. Not sure how useful it's going to be on land or if just on wide individuals that can be seen from the sea. I'm going to have to advise the wearer of this shirt to avoid dark alleyways, because although Baa means no, this flag definitely doesn't.

My research introduced me to a few potentially useful symbols (which I've deemed more interesting than trying to find more to say about the Enabler tee). They all have potential, but it seems that 

Alpha I have a diver below, keep clear at slow speed.
It's only a two-passenger vessel, but you're welcome to watch.
B Bravo I am taking on, discharging or carrying dangerous cargo.
Tharr she blows!
C Charlie Yes or Affirmative
Faster, damnit! Ramming speed! Affirmative!
D Delta I am maneuvering with difficulty, keep clear of me.
This "never" happens to me.
E Echo I am altering my course to starboard.
I think it's your turn for some rug burn.
F Foxtrot I am disabled, communicate with me.
I still live with my parents, but pr0n is not working for me anymore.
G Golf I require a pilot.
It's been a while. I do believe I'll lower my standards tonight.
H Hotel I have a pilot on board.
Taken (forever, for the night, until I fuck this up).
I India I am altering my course to port.
I think it's time I take the wheel.
J Juliet I am on fire and have dangerous cargo, keep clear.
Don't touch me.
K Kilo You should stop your vessel immediately.
I'm not in the mood and you're embarrassing yourself. Just stop.
L Lima I wish to communicate with you.
Why can't we ever just cuddle?
M Mike My vessel is stopped, making no way.
She's not in the mood.
N November No or Negative.
Not. Gonna. Happen.
O Oscar Man overboard.
Skeet skeet.
P Papa All aboard, proceeding to sea.
Swim, my children!
Q Quebec My vessel is healthy, request clearance into port.
Clean bill of health, scout's honor.
R Romeo The way is off my ship.
Get off me.
S Sierra Moving astern.
Getting into position.
T Tango Keep clear, engaged in trawling.
I'll be playing the numbers game tonight.
U Uniform You are running into danger.
Psycho straight ahead. Abandon ship.
V Victor I require assistance (not in distress).
Well, don't just lie there like a cold, dead fish. Gyrate or whatever it is that you do.
W Whiskey I require medical assistance.
What the fuck did you do?!?
X X-ray Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals.
You're doing it all wrong. Let me show you how it's done.
Y Yankee I am dragging my anchor.
When you've got an anchor like this, what other option do you have?
Z Zulu I require a tug.
Can you give me a hand?

Before I identified this as a maritime symbol, I misidentified it as the flag of Thailand. This line of thinking led me to discover this story about a startling fashion trend in Thailand. Not really pertinent, but strange (as things from Thailand often are).

1 comment:

  1. ourbabynamer.com (why were you there?) has let you down by not letting you link to their images. Guess you'll be going elsewhere for your baby naming/nautical flag identification needs...


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