07 December 2012

Abandoned Albums

For our enjoyment -- mine because I'm turning several old drafts into a real post (very Pinocchio, don't you think?) and yours because...well, duh -- Mrs. Window Shopper brings together some vinyls from various thrift store shops. 

High School Musical 4: Debate Club 
(Available on Spotify! Warning: Some tracks may be more persuasive than others.)

Is percussion all it takes to argue your point? Politicians have used cheesy songs to bolster their causes to varied levels of success...but I can't find any record of a drum-heavy track putting a candidate into office. Perhaps "Bolero" or "Moby Dick" could change that (yes, I put Ravel and Zeppelin into the same category)? I suppose Jason's percussion (take that as you will) persuaded me to become his wife and drums have led many a warrior into battle so there's that. And one cannot argue the persuasive power of a marimba solo... *swoons*

Speaking of swooning...



Let me first admit that what comes most readily to mind when I think of Robert Goulet is Will Ferrell. The SNL sketches are actually what led me to snap these photos, terrible as that is. 

My main problem with these albums is Goulet's ill-advised use of prepositions:
  • I suspect the background noise on ...On Broadway is unbearable.
  • The white text on the second album asserts that it is a recording so the title of In Person is a pretty terrible choice.

Adventuretime's Muse?

This album art seems to have inspired a slew of cartoons: Adventuretime? Superjail? Chowder? This cover makes about as much sense as the plotlines of those shows (read: none) and creates a slew of questions. Why are these creatures in a huge bathtub? How can I get my showerhead to spray out rainbows? And most importantly: Where did the owl get that gorgeous hat? 

Jokes aside, the featured artists seem legit -- I'm pretty sure you're REQUIRED to juggle and wear silly hats when listening to Billy Joel and Kenny Loggins in the bathtub.

The Mighty Mighty Moog-tones
(not available on Spotify, though I did find Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sea Lions But Were Afraid to Ask)

EVERYTHING? Well, there's no "Stairway to Heaven" but there IS a Moog version of "Bolero" which brings some continuity to this post if nothing else. Let's vote: Which is more persuasive -- percussion or Moog?

Pedobear's Jams
Since finding (and laughing uproariously at) this album, I've learned that Mitch was a pretty big deal back in the day (despite his show's subpar production values). I won't detail all of his badassery here, but trust me that he was a pretty kick-ass individual. So respect to you in the big beyond, dude.

That being said, this "all smiles" picture is a bit unsettling to my contemporary sensibilities.

Now that I've gobbled up my stock of album art, I suppose it's time to find some more. Joy!

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