21 June 2013

Rising to Anarchy

Unlike some of my other "photo dumps", this one actually already seems to have a theme threading them together. The challenge then becomes actually making it through all four photos in one post (which I have successfully failed at all week). Here's goes nothing.

It's warmer than necessary outside...but while we adults are making every excuse to stay inside our air-conditioned homes, kids are making every effort to achieve dehydration and sunstroke commune with nature. (Note: I realize that this -- like all other dichotomies -- is not strictly true, but it's my intro to the post so you'll have to gloss over it.) There's lots of fun things to do outside:

Not to be confused with the "Indoor Bug Net".
Let's all take a moment to consider the fact that we smash bugs that enter our territory but we entrap those that are just minding their own damn business on their turf. Then again, I suppose I swat flies and mosquitoes regardless of location and wouldn't think to kill a Monarch (not even this one) even in my house. Hrmm.

Moving on...

Sure, it'd be neat to take your kid to the lake with a fishing pole and tackle box (no, it's not a euphemism...but it could be). But your lack of fishing skills are much less amusing when you're not three sheets to the wind and Junior's eight years too young (or is it nine?) to be your DD. Not to mention you have to whittle away at the mow the lawn before the H.O.A. fines you, and it's not like the "honey-do list" is going to do itself (as SHE reminds you every weekend).

Well, it's never too early to teach the kid about responsibility...

Put that fishing pole back, kid. We're raking leaves today.
Maybe while you're going over the half-assed job your kid did on the lawn, he can amuse himself with a song.

Why did people buy these again?

...Then again, maybe it would be best to leave some joy for another day. Christmas, perhaps?

Santa puts a hat garnish on everything he eats. (Watch out, elves.)

In other news, Camp Nanowrimo kicks off next month and I plan to focus on actually completing a novel (at least a rough draft) this year. I'll try to juggle both projects, but Mrs. Window Shopper will probably stay just as inconsistent in July so brace yourselves.


Here are a few other memorable anagrams of your name that didn't make the cut.
  3. HORNY SATANIC RIG (Rock my fiery netherworld.)
  4. CORNY SHIRT AGAIN (I suspect this anagram will be a future blog post title.)
  5. ARRAIGN THY SCION (Guilty!)
  6. AHA! CRYING INTROS! (That's one way to build pathos, I suppose.)

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