19 June 2013


I missed you yesterday, impersonal blog editor. Tuesday was a day of car problems, unreliable coworkers, and self-betterment in the form of a gym visit and the consumption of multiple vegetables...all of which prevented me from posting by the deadline (midnight, that is). No excuses, just a step onward.

For those who care about such things, I am listening to the sweet sweet sounds of Battlefield 3, peppered with commentary and occasional strains of Foo Fighters' "One of These Days" performed by m

First up, an athletic (?) t-shirt.

Who thought that a scorpion and a Nike swoosh could grace the same canvas? Some theories:
  • Nike's catchphrase is evolving from "Just Do It" to "Just Sting/Claw it". (Idea courtesy of Mr. Window Shopper, who appears to be on a roll today -- though his K/D ratio argues otherwise)
  • The scorpion is a commentary on Nike's use of child labor: kids get clawed into a life of servitude and stung if they rail against Big Business.
  • The scorpion is a commentary on consumerism: the claws are the advertising campaigns and celebrity/athletic endorsements that get us to buy a pair and we get stung if we settle for a "lesser" brand name.
  • The real explanation (admittedly less glamorous but some team names do feature nice puns).
I seem to recall the following picture to be the reverse of this adorable Nike Scorpion shirt (though further research that I choose to omit for entertainment purposes suggests otherwise). The pairing makes about as much sense as the scorpion alone, and it successfully spoils my attempts to analyze and interpret it on its own. But no matter, as we are now treated to the fashion equivalent of the upside-down answers to cereal-box quizzes from our youth.

In other words: It matters little whether or not the cigar is really a cigar in the long run.
Have fun, people. I'm going to eat some food and think about going to work.

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